Windows Desktop App v1.3.0

We have received a few inquiries on why the Windows desktop app has not yet been updated to v1.3.0 on our downloads page

The Windows 1.3 release has been delayed by code-signing, which was originally scheduled for 16th, then it was 18th, but we’re still waiting.

The delay is administrative and we’re simply waiting for validation from Microsoft. The delay was unforeseen, and we’ll upgrade the version as soon as the validation has been completed.

Sorry for the wait, we’re eager to release the new version soon!


Update: The code-signing is now validated and v1.3.0 official released in

To see what has improved, check our changelog for v1.3.0 here:


Hey everyone,

As mentioned previously, Windows and Mac Desktop Apps v1.3 for Mattermost have been code-signed to verify they have been built by Mattermost, Inc.

However, while installing the Mattermost Desktop App v1.3 for Windows, you may still receive a Windows SmartScreen that appears during the installation process - the screen will be displayed by Microsoft if not enough people have used the app. We are considering an upgraded certificate that will automatically make the Desktop App trusted with Microsoft and would therefore bypass the SmartScreen in future releases.

Moreover, a few of you might see an “Unknown Publisher” in the SmartScreen as well, which we’re looking into fixing for v1.3.

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Update: Downloading the Windows App should now show “Mattermost” as the publisher if you receive the Windows SmartScreen.

As mentioned previously, we’ll also look into upgrading our certificate for a future release, so that the Desktop App will appear trusted by Microsoft, even if only a few people have used the app. This would allow us to bypass the SmartScreen in the future.

Thanks everyone for your feedback across our community channels – please let us know if you have any further questions!