Mattermost Call not working on iOS/Android

Mattermost for Android/iOS can’t call

Steps to reproduce
Mattermost for Android/iOS calling from outside the network displays “Error: unable to connect to voice call: timed out waiting for peer connection” in 4 seconds.

Expected behavior
Hi Everyone,

My Mattermost server is hosted on Ubuntu. I’m currently testing the call functionality of Mattermost. It works when I’m calling between computers (Windows/Mac), but when I’m trying to call from a computer to a phone (or vice versa), the same error displays on the phone side. Here is the mattermost log:


{"timestamp":"2024-04-02 20:10:55.514 +08:00","level":"error","msg":"callback failed: call state is missing from channel state","caller":"app/plugin_api.go:988","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.calls","origin":"main.(*Plugin).handleLeave websocket.go:381"}
{"timestamp":"2024-04-02 20:13:20.262 +08:00","level":"error","msg":"callback failed: call state is missing from channel state","caller":"app/plugin_api.go:988","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.calls","origin":"main.(*Plugin).handleLeave websocket.go:381"}
{"timestamp":"2024-04-02 20:20:29.283 +08:00","level":"error","msg":"callback failed: call state is missing from channel state","caller":"app/plugin_api.go:988","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.calls","origin":"main.(*Plugin).handleLeave websocket.go:381"}

Error Screenshot:

I hope someone can help me resolve this issue.


I’m guessing your mobile devices aren’t allowing UDP connections to 8443

Hi John,

I already enabled do a tcping/udping on mobile devices and they can ping port 8443.

Thank you.

Calls self-hosted deployment - Mattermost documentation may help.