[FAQ] How do I fix a "502 Bad Gateway" error when trying to load Mattermost?

How do I fix a “502 Bad Gateway” error when trying to load Mattermost?

A 502 Bad Gateway error in Mattermost means that whatever server your request was sent to on the way to retrieving the information you requested, likely your reverse proxy server, got an invalid response from a server it sent a request to in order to fulfill your request. Here are the steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Check Server Status: It might be a temporary issue with the server, so it’s worth checking again after a few minutes.
  2. Refresh Your Browser/Page: Try refreshing the page (press F5 or ctrl + r). In many cases, a quick refresh can fix the problem
  3. Clear Your Browser’s Cache: Outdated or corrupted files that are being stored by your browser could be causing this issue. Clearing your browser’s cache might solve the problem.
  4. DNS Issue: This could be a DNS issue. Flushing your DNS cache might help.
  5. Checking Server Logs: Check your server logs, both on your Mattermost server and on any reverse proxy server you’re using in front of it. They might contain important information about what’s going wrong.
  6. Configure the Reverse Proxy Correctly: If you’re using a reverse proxy server (like Nginx or Apache), ensure it’s configured properly to work with Mattermost. You might be seeing this issue because of incorrect configuration.
  7. Check with ISP/Hosting Provider: If the problem persists, the issue might be with the Internet Service Provider or hosting service. Reach out to them for support.

Remember, a 502 error is usually an issue on the server-side, so you might not be able to resolve it on your own. But you can certainly try these steps to see if the problem can be resolved.

If you’re still having issues clearing your 502 error and logging into Mattermost, please post a new thread in our Troubleshooting forum with your Mattermost version number and issue summary.

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