Where to find sign-in page after team creation?

I have successfully installed Mattermost via Docker, and have created a team, but when I go to my lattermost page http://localhost:8065 I only get the Sign Up screen, with no Sign In option.

How do I make this stop?

I can get to a login if I put http://localhost:8065/, but that seems rather unintuitive to me, and took some messing to figure out.

Hi @bmcgonag, you’re right we probably need to add an email on team creation with instructions on how to use a team site. I’ve added a ticket here: https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/PL-24

After you create a team your team will be found at http://domain.com/teamname, and http://domain.com will continue to offer the ability to create new teams. This needs to be more clear.

I appreciate the clarification @it33. I get the concept, just wasn’t sure that was intentional.