Unread channel name is rendered "doubled"


For some users, names of channels with unread messages are incorrectly rendered in the side bar.

Steps to reproduce

Server 5.4.0
Observed on Linux and macOS High Sierra with desktop client version 4.1.2 and also earlier
Other required conditions unknown. Seems to have only started since upgrading from 5.2 to 5.4.

Expected behavior

Name of unread channel is bold

Observed behavior

Name of unread channel appears to show both bold and non-bold text superposed.
Some examples attached (partially blacked out for privacy) from different themes. We have seen this for all types of channel.

27%20pm 43%20pm

We think this only happens if the element is in view at the time the new message is received.

Hi @gubbins,

We have a ticket for this here, which we tried but couldn’t yet fix before v5.4 release: https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-12493.