Unable to see a content of posts

When I receive notification from Mattermost on Andoid9, I can check there is a post and who post it but I cannot see a content of the post. So I cannot check what he/she says from notification. Like this:

Is there any solution to receive full notification?

My configuration

  • Account Settings > Notification Settings > Mobile notifications: For all activity, when Online, away or offline
  • System Console > Environment > Push Notification Server > Enable Push Notifications: Use TPNS connections to send notifications to iOS and Android apps
  • Notification from Mattermost mobile app is allowed.


  • Mattermost: version 5.12.1
  • Server: Google Compute Engine/Ubuntu18.04LTS, MySQL 5.7.26, nginx 1.15.5
  • Device: Huawei P20 lite Android9/EMUI9.1

People at the same Mattermost instance says there is no problem to receive full notification by iOS Mattermost app.

Hi @YutaNagaoka, what is Push Notification Contents setting set to on your server: https://docs.mattermost.com/administration/config-settings.html#push-notification-contents?

Thanks to your advice, I could able to receive detail notification! I really appreciate your kindness.