Starting Jitsi video with a slash command


Internal server error when trying to invoke Jitsi from a slash command.
I am trying to connect to

Steps to reproduce


Expected behavior

I can’t find much documentation on how to add a slash command to invoke Jitsi video conference, but when I add a slash command to start a new Jitsi video conference, Mattermost produces a server 500 error.
I have added the following lines to my mattermost config file

"AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections": "localhost",
"EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections": true,

Observed behavior

The following error appears in the mattermost logs
2019-10-04T17:07:01.047+0100 error mlog/log.go:173 Command with a trigger of ‘jitsi’ returned response 405 Not Allowed {“path”: “/api/v4/commands/execute”, “request_id”: “gwg8qs34k3yb8g5t15qpegcnzy”, “ip_addr”: “”, “user_id”: “nopcspcbzfyc9xwbfaoh59rk4r”, “method”: “POST”, “err_where”: “command”, “http_code”: 500, “err_details”: “\r\n405 Not Allowed\r\n\r\n

405 Not Allowed


Hi, @Gibsta

I was able to install and have the Jitsi plugin running on my 5.17.0 instance as per the following:

The configuration that I have on my config.json is these though:

        "EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections": false,
        "AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections": "",

May I know if you can try it out on your end with the same config and let me know if it works?