[SOLVED] "Loading.." problem after upgrade to 5.3


I’ve upgraded to 5.3 and met the problem:

when i change channel (public/private/direct), time to time i see “Loading…”.
In browser → dev mode → networking i see that “GET /api/v4/redirect_location HTTP/1.1” requests got stuck

Hi @wannabe, thank you for reaching out.

Can you help review this web page and send us the relevant details about your environment?

What OS and version is the Mattermost server installed?

Debian 9.4

What is your Mattermost server version?


Are you experiencing the issues with the browser webapp, if so which one?

Safari, Firefox, Chrome

Are you experiencing the issues with the Mattermost Desktop App, if so what version and OS?

App version 4.1.2 on Mac

Are you experiencing the issues with the Mattermost Mobile App, if so what version and OS?


Can you send a snippet of the Mattermost server logs around the time of the incident?

log says nothing

Are you running Mattermost in a container and/or using container orchestration?


Mattermost Is Not Working / The Server Keeps Dying

mattermost is working

Hi @wannabe, also, in addition the Network error you saw, do you see any errors in the Console section?

Also, does refreshing the page help with the issue?

do you see any errors in the Console section?
no. only “websocket connecting to wss://example.com/api/v4/websocket”

does refreshing the page help with the issue?
yes and no
after refresh I see messages, but if i change channel or click “Load more messages” --> only “Loading”, then Refresh --> i see messages --> then change channel --> “Loading” again because of “redirect_location” trying to fetch?

Hi @wannabe, This could be an issue where a proxy server is sitting between the end user and the server and is not forwarding Secure WebSocket traffic properly - can you help check if there is any proxy in between?

Also, can you help check if clearing cache helps?

If these tips don’t help I’ll ask our developers about this as I couldn’t find other information after researching.


Why “WebSocket”? Mattermost works well except “GET /api/v4/redirect_location”.

And if I open 80/443 ports on firewall from mm server to world --> “problem solved”.

But why? I have ““EnableLinkPreviews”: false” and I do not want to open 80/443 ports to world because of security!

Hi @wannabe, there appears to be a bug, I opened a ticket here for investigation: https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-12264.

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Thank you for your time!

After upgrade to 5.4 mm works great!

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