[SOLVED] Have Gitlab for Enterprise and can't log into Mattermost

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For troubleshooting questions, please post in the following format:

I have access to GitLab for our enterprise but I keep getting a “422” error when I try to log into our MM URL

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior
I expect to use my work email address and password or Single-signon with GitLab to get to my Mattermost channels.

Observed behavior
I receive a “422” error as if MM does not recognize my credentials.gitlab-error-422

Hi @Blythe,

The link you posted is broken. When are you seeing the 422 error? Is it when you click the GitLab login link in Mattermost, or is it after that?

I just got in to my Mattermost! Thank you so much! Blythe

Hi @Blythe,

Pleased your issue is resolved! :slight_smile: