[solved] Existing EMAIL user can't be deleted and replaced with same AD user (using same email account)

Added user with email login, and after testing, are now using AD/LDAP authentication. I’ve deactivated that user, but now he can’t login with his AD credentials because emails are matching. See error:

{“level”:“error”,“ts”:1548729506.2368975,“caller”:“web/context.go:60”,“msg”:“This account does not use AD/LDAP authentication. Please sign in using email and password.”,“path”:“/api/v4/users/login”,“request_id”:“ppq6esirnbb5trh8pwxxf7wc4c”,“ip_addr”:“xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”,“user_id”:“”,“method”:“POST”,“err_where”:“LdapInterfaceImpl.DoLogin”,“http_code”:401,“err_details”:“SqlUserStore.Save: An account with that email already exists., user_id=gee43meawjbx7y3bou8f7o6eac, Error 1062: Duplicate entry ‘xxx.xxxx@xxxxxxx.com’ for key ‘Email’”}

Anyway to delete this user without going into Mysql?