[SOLVED] Ephemeral Responses from Slash Commands Not Showing on Mobile

Hi everyone,
I have been developing multiple slash commands for my company’s Mattermost deployment. We want to utilize these commands on the mobile platforms but have been running into the issue of ephemeral responses not showing on the mobile platforms. Do the mobile apps not support ephemeral responses or is there something wrong with my slash command response. Below is an example of a response. We are using Mattermost 4.5.0 Team Edition. Thanks for any help!

Response example:{ "response_type": "ephemeral", "text":"test text" }


Slash commands that return ephemeral messages show in windows application and browser but not on mobile app or mobile browser.

Steps to reproduce

I have multiple slash commands that we want to only show the data to the user that submitted the command, so we are using ephemeral responses. This works fine on the windows application and browser, but in the browser or android mobile app, nothing is returned. I have not tested the iOS app as of yet. Slash commands that return an “in_channel” response work on all platforms tested.

Expected behavior

Ephemeral responses are displayed on mobile app or mobile browser until the user dismisses them.

Observed behavior

The ephemeral response is shown on the windows app and browser app but not on any of the mobile platforms. In channel responses are displayed correctly on all platforms.

I’ve created a ticket to investigate https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-634

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@jborne536 just to confirm, if the response of the slash command does not include a channel_id then it does not render on the mobile app, but in case it does include it then it works fine?

I’m asking this cause actually I just created a slash command and tested with:

  • Server 4.6
  • Android app 1.5.2
  • iOS app 1.5.2

and it all works just fine

Are you referring to the "response_type" property being set to "in_channel"?

If that is the case, yes, the responses are displayed correctly on the mobile apps when"response_type" = "in_channel". It is only when"response_type" = "ephemeral" that the responses are not displaying in on mobile platforms.

I’m using this as the response {response_type: "ephemeral", text: "Hello, this is some text\nThis is more text. :tada:"} and is being displayed as a System Message

After this PR goes in https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-mobile/pull/1369 it will be rendering correctly with the right username/icon on the mobile apps, that should be included in the 1.6.0 release of the apps

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We are currently running 4.5.0. I’ll try again after updating our dev environment. Thanks for the help.

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