Signup link does not appear to be valid

Hi there,

I met a problem after I updated to 5.9.0. The signup link doesn’t appear to be valid and the invite link is invalid. I attached the screenshot.

Hi @Michelle,

Can you help with more details on your config settings around Users and Teams:

Hi Amy,

I didn’t find the account related settings in my config.json, should I add them? I just copied the old config.json to the new version, nothing changed.

Hi Amy,

I found the settings in system console. The “Enable Account Creation” is enabled.

Hi @Michelle, can you help with reproduction steps on how you get to the window with the error message? Were you just creating a new user? Do you know if other users on your server are seeing this issue?

Hi Amy,

Steps as below, I’m the admin of mattermost so I invite new comer to join mattermost.

  1. I invited the new comers via email.
  2. New comer receive an email and clicked the joining link
  3. We got the error as I attached on the first image. I will attached it again.

Hi @Michelle, can you also share your System Console settings for Authentication > Email Authentication? Do you see any errors in Mattermost logs when this issue occurs?

Hi Amy,

The log as below and I attached the screenshot of Authentication.
Error log:
2019-05-20T05:11:35.174Z error web/context.go:52 Invalid or missing term in request body {“path”: “/api/v4/users/search”, “request_id”: “r6daa4p7nid4zx616p
dszz5yno”, “ip_addr”: “”, “user_id”: “3sy4176t6tf9jnk3wm1mjx4mda”, “method”: “POST”, “err_where”: “Context”, “http_code”: 400, “err_details”: “”}

Hi @Michelle, does the invitation link start with http or https?
Also, wondering if this earlier thread might help: Troubleshoot Mattermost error: "The signup link does not appear to be valid".

Hi Amy,

I have checked, the invitation link started with https, it is not the same like the topic you posted. I will try to upgrade MM to latest version to see if we still get the same problem.

Hi Amy,

I upgraded the MM to latest version but the issue is still not resolved. I saw the error in mm log, not sure how to fix it.
ERROR: 2019-06-26T02:27:44.042Z error mlog/log.go:172 The signup link does not appear to be valid {“path”: “/api/v4/users”, “request_id”: “uytoxogy7jr6zqfmketjwrj6je”, “ip_addr”: “”, “user_id”: “”, “method”: “POST”, “err_where”: “CreateUserWithToken”, “http_code”: 400, “err_details”: “SqlTokenStore.GetByToken: Unable to get a token with this code, sql: no rows in result set”}

Hi @Michelle, Do you use any specific type of proxy on your end?

By default, the instance should be configured using TLS based on the Configuring TLS on Mattermost Server documentation. In this case, can you provide me a copy of the config.json for review? Please feel free to remove any sensitive information such as password or key.

Hi Amy, I used Nginx as a proxy and configure the TSL on Nginx. Here is the configuration of Nginx and MM


server {
listen 80;

location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
content_by_lua_block {

return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
listen 80 default_server;
#listen 443 default_server;
server_name _;
return 444;

server {
listen 443 default_server;
server_name _;
return 444;

ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/resty-auto-ssl-fallback.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/resty-auto-ssl-fallback.key;


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Can anyone help me ? The issue is still happening.:cry:

Keep getting this when I was try to signup
2019-08-21T01:09:46.512Z error mlog/log.go:172 The signup link does not appear to be valid {“path”: “/api/v4/users”, “request_id”: “k3dawmss5pgb5pnzozfcjr4qzy”, “ip_addr”: “xxxx”, “user_id”: “”, “method”: “POST”, “err_where”: “CreateUserWithToken”, “http_code”: 400, “err_details”: “SqlTokenStore.GetByToken: Unable to get a token with this code, sql: no rows in result set”}