Register via the API gives no codes to create user accounts

When manual registration leave a message:

The user name must begin with a letter and contain from 3 to 22 lowercase characters, consisting of numbers, letters and symbols. ‘’ ‘-’ And ‘_’.

you can easily create: 32_name_user

Users will not allow such an error in the web:
We received an unexpected status code from the server. (504)

Server log: No records

hey @danilvoe and really sorry for the delay,

Do you mean no error is given when you use the API to create a user with username “32_name_user”?

He created more than 10k users whose username begins with a number. :slight_smile: But then it was strange, chat not let these users, and then suddenly began to blow. I am concerned about the entrance of the user in the chat. And if this is a mistake, and these users should not let it’s very sad. Is it possible to remove this limitation server settings?


Ah, I see now.

Are these correct steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Use the APIs to create a user with username that starts with a number
  2. Have the user try to log in
    Observed: We received an unexpected status code from the server. (504)
  1. yes.

Initially, the server swore just 504 error

here began strangely. I torment server and he started to make logins starting with numbers (in my case 23_username). If I remember correctly the events that I have included authorization via email, then all registered accounts (via database) feature that checks the mailbox user. Users began to start, then disabled authorization via email, but the server continued to let users.

Actually I have two questions. Why API missed creating not correct (according to the registration form) by the user and whether the access is blocked by such people buduyuschih updates.
I have such a 10k users (again due to the fact that the API missed their creation :()

If you can write a few days API team which I enjoyed (with a set of similar values)

Q. I only have one that I do now. :slight_smile: I can not forcibly make polzovatley change logins on the website to kotomu integrates the chat I forbade create usernames beginning with numbers, but what to do with the subject who is already registered … this … 95% of users suspected 15k accounts.

If the API will add a ban on the creation, but the entrance to the incorrect accounts that will have such an option is completely satisfied.

And how do you deal with the accounts of the blood pressure which can also locality starting with a digit?

Hey @danilvoe,

Are you using a Google translator for posting the message? We have lots of contributors around the world, so I could see if we have someone in your native language would be able to help.

Are you using a Google translator for posting the message?

yes. :cry: :confused: