Push notifications for Android and iOS


Mattermost is a great project and we’re looking at rolling it out.
We’d like to set up push notifications. I’ve seen guidance here: GitHub - mattermost/mattermost-push-proxy.

There’s a chance we’d like to make the iOS App available for general users with access under a different team / channel. As such, the Enterprise programme from Apple isn’t appropriate.

Can you clarify if it’s a requirement to be enrolled in this program or does the general developer program suffice?



Hi @sam_1,

Push notifications are free if you use either the push proxy service (the one you linked) or TPNS (Test Push Notification Service).

More information about push notification services is here: https://docs.mattermost.com/overview/faq.html#are-push-notifications-free.

Let me know if this helps?

Thanks for clarifying. That helped clear things up.