Proxy link expandig


I have setup a 3-tier test environment of Mattermost with nginx providing the web layer. These are on an internal network without direct internet access.

What we would like is for links entered into the chat to be expanded and for that they would probably need access to the public internet which would mean routing through the corporate proxy.

Is there a recognized way to do this via config, or is as I would guess something nginx will do.

Any examples would be appreciated.


Hi @seymourp,

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible yet. As of now, users must connect directly to the linked site to be able to preview it, and there’s no logic to do it through a proxy. It does sound like it would be really useful though.

This feature isn’t on our roadmap yet, but we are hoping to revisit and improve our link previews in the future. If you want, you can post a feature request so that other users can vote on it, and we can get a better sense of how to prioritize it.