Preview: LDAP/SSO support

GitLab Mattermost users can connect to LDAP using GitLab SSO in a solution that’s 100% open source. There are no plans to change this.

Pre-released versions of Mattermost Enterprise Edition with direct connectivity to LDAP/AD SSO are available by request.

Hi, I’m testing this. However, I find that somethings don’t behave as expected:
My ldap settings in config.json:

"LdapSettings": {
    "Enable": true,
    "LdapServer": "",
    "LdapPort": 389,
    "BaseDN": "dc=netwerk,dc=zhga,dc=nl",
    "BindUsername": "itworks",
    "BindPassword": "itworks",
    "FirstNameAttribute": "givenName",
    "LastNameAttribute": "sn",
    "EmailAttribute": "mail",
    "UsernameAttribute": "cn",
    "IdAttribute": "userPrincipalName",
    "QueryTimeout": 60

(BindUsername and BindPassword are not the real ones of course)
I can succesfully login. However, the account settings of the user are not complete.
The Email field is empty, and therefore the notifications do not work as expected.

Any idea why this happens?

Hi @RobdeZwaan, please check the capitalization of mail in your system? If that doesn’t solve the issue, please try System Console > Other > Logs to see if there are relevant error messages?

Mattermost Enterprise Edition includes priority email support, so if there’s anything confidential with your setup you’d like to discuss, or if you prefer email, please feel free to contact

Is it possible to release the commercial version with LDAP support? Looking forward to it.

You can request early access at: