Matterpoll 0.1 Released

Matterpoll 0.1 got released. Matterpoll is a Mattermost plugin which allows users to create polls via a slash command.

This release brings a couple of new features and improvements:

  • Custom Trigger: Admins can now customise the command trigger. The default is now /poll.
  • Improved privacy: The Matterpoll user icon is not longer fetched from GitHub but is loaded directly from your Mattermost server.
  • You can now see how many people have voted on each poll.

The pre complied binary is available on GitHub Release v0.1.0 · matterpoll/matterpoll · GitHub
Please note that this plugin is not production ready and backwards incompatible changes can happen until we release v1.0.

If you like the plugin give it a :star:

Hugo thanks to @kaakaa for the work he put into this project!