Incoming Webhook verification status 500

Crashlytics (or offers an integration with Slack or custom webhooks.
Mattermost webhooks are described as compatible to Slack, but unfortunately it seems that not any service with Slack integration is compatible to mattermost.

Fabric uses an verification webhook. They send some request to the webhook including following payload:

{"event": "verification", "payload_type": "none"}

Using curl:

 curl -i -X POST -d 'payload={"event": "verification", "payload_ty": "none"}'

Mattermost responses with status code 500:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
X-Ratelimit-Limit: 10
X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 9
X-Ratelimit-Reset: 1
X-Request-Id: s64pjxn8gjb35xeghxyd849q4h

and following response body:

{"id":"web.incoming_webhook.text.app_error","message":"No text specified","detailed_error":"","request_id":"s64pjxn8gjb35xeghxyd849q4h","status_code":500,"is_oauth":false}

More infomation:

As result Fabric/Crashlytics can not be integrated with Mattermost

I do not known if other services rely on such an verification event to verify the access of an webhook.

I’m seeing the same thing trying to integrate OpsGenie alerts into Mattermost. Have you had any luck?

Hi @steve.russell, hi @mdxdave, thanks for the report!

This change seems reasonable to add.

Wondering if anyone in the community would be interested in helping make a pull request to support this?

If someone makes a pull request with the addition we have a process to spin up a test server for you to try it out and make sure everything is working before the changes get merged.