I can't display statistics

Even if I select the site and user statistics in the system console, it will display “Loading” endlessly.
Posts message is " Not enough data for a meaningful representation.".

Please tell me how to enable these displays.


Mattermost(team) 5.9.0, CentOS 7.6, Nginx 1.14.2

Hi @Babbles,

Are you using an ad blocker? We’ve seen cases where an ad blocker can prevent this page from loading data. To test this, temporarily disable your ad blocker, or view the page in a browser without an ad blocker installed.

Oh…, adblock…
I completely forgot that existence. Thank you!

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@amy.blais - I have the same problem in a browser (Google Chrome) completely without extensions or adblockers…
Any other tips?

Would you be open to checking your Mattermost log files to see if there are any errors or issues? Setting the logging level to DEBUG may help.

I’ve logged a support case for this now: Mattermost

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