Getting error 404 when trying integrate Zapier


I try to test Zapier integration to mattermost, the interface is functionnal, we can use mattermost as it does.

But when i try to intergrate something, here the weather forecast with zapier, it doesnt work.

Steps to reproduce

Mattermost 5.5.1

I did this step for step :

I replaced the callback URL by :

When i come to set an action, it set up the mattermost, i arrive to set up template and then,

no team, no channel, no anything. Sometimes it work he can retreive some infos, sometimes all info, but still never work

Expected behavior

Basically i wanted to get a remider option, i didnt found my solution, knowing i only have access to the admin GUI of mattermost, cant put my hands into the server.

I would like the make any integration working easily. It’s in the case to replace Slack.

Observed behavior

mostly having that message :

"We’re having trouble loading ‘Team’ data…

The app returned “Not Found” with no further details. This usually happens when a field value used in this step is missing or we’re unable to find some information in your connected app or service. Make sure that the information exists and that the field values used in this step are entered correctly. We made a request to and received (404) Not Found."

Thanks by advance.

OK. So i replaced again by the link you given in the Zapier tutorial. The link between zapier and mattermost is done.

I did this in first before trying multi callback link, i gave up because just as i said it was founding the channels / users and few seconds after it loses it.

But at the moment it looks like solid.

i’m trying to send rss flux to a mattermost channel, no idead of what i have to put in the mattermost POST ID :