Extended quick search key with search expressions

Finding the right content in a chat history can be quite time consuming and therefore I am looking for a functionality similar to Expression Search in Thunderbird Plugin.


I want to search for an email/chat with an attachment e.g. from mike which was sent in the last 30 days. I can imagine a similar scenario for a chat correspondence.


days:(0 -30) f:mike a:yes or …

I think that the following commands can help to improve the search functionality a lot and to save time.

from:mike or f:mike
This expression searches all messages from ‘mike’.

to:bill or t:bill
This expression searches all messages to ‘bill’.

attachment:yes or a:yes
This expression searches all messages for an attachment

filename:foo.doc or fi:image or fn:msword or file:html
This expression searches all messages for an attachment name or type.

is:replied or i:UnRead
This expression searches all messages for status, The status can be one of Replied, Read, Marked, UnRead, New or Attachment.

ag:3 or da:3 or age:3 or older_than:3 or days:(3 -5) or age:today or newer_than:8week
This expression searches all messages to match age in days. days:(3 -5) will search for messages that age between 3 to 5 days.

body:electric bill
This expression searches all messages for ‘electric bill’ in the body of the message.

label:Important or tag:TODO or l:NA
could be used for hashtags

before:2011/03/09 07:12:00 or be:09 Mar 2011 05:00:00 or after:Mar 10, 2011 or af:(2011/03/01 -2011/03/09)
This expression searches all messages within the date range.

date:2011/01 or date:2011/01/03 or d:" 03:"
This expression searches all messages to match date. The internal format for compare is “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss”, locale date is also supported.


Searching by date and date range is an essential feature to me!

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++1 Just as important is ability to filter OUT messages (e.g. from a bot) can we have a ‘NOT’ feature for any of these search expressions?

Thanks for your feedback and feature idea,

We are working on improving search and hope to include some of these changes in an upcoming release.

I’m not sure that all your use cases will be covered so perhaps you’d like to open a feature idea on the forum or add your vote to the various “search” improvements that already exist?