Change Mattermost Build to custom build in Mattermost Desktop

Hi there,
I have pulled the mattermost-desktop from github. I have changed the variables inside package.json in the project to custom name ‘XYZ’ . The ‘XYZ’ is being reflected in the MAC and windows releases but not for the linux it is still showing “file=release/mattermost-desktop-4.1.2.tar.gz” during the make package command. How do i reflect the changes in the linux build.
Thanks in advance.
Full output during make package command for linux:
[no native production dependencies
• packaging platform=linux arch=x64 electron=2.0.2 appOutDir=release/linux-unpacked
• building target=tar.gz arch=x64 file=release/mattermost-desktop-4.1.2.tar.gz
• no native production dependencies
• packaging platform=linux arch=ia32 electron=2.0.2 appOutDir=release/linux-ia32-unpacked
• building target=tar.gz arch=ia32 file=release/mattermost-desktop-4.1.2-ia32.tar.gz
• building target=deb arch=x64 file=release/mattermost-desktop_4.1.2_amd64.deb]

@yuya-oc Pinging you on this one ^

The issue is that Linux it is still showing “file=release/mattermost-desktop-4.1.2.tar.gz” during the make package command.

Hi @aneesaziz, thanks for having an interest in the desktop app.

The desktop app repository has two package.json, package.json and src/package.json. And the build tool, electron-builder uses them. So perhaps there is a potential bug.

To get consistent result, both package.json should be updated. Would you check?

Hi there,

  1. I have changed names in both the files package.json and src/package.json .
  2. And rebuilt them by running npm run build
  3. Ran npm run package: linux.
    But when i try to make package the mattermost name still persists only in linux build. The windows and MAC packages are fine. Is there some extra step i am missing?