Can't log into Mattermost for Mac

Issue short version: Log in credentials not accepted by Mattermost for Mac.
Issue longer version. Boards column data is randomly disappearing. I just use the browser version. Needed to installd the app to update. Downloaded Focalboard Insiders for Mac but there is no sign in option; thus, can’t access Boards. Downloaded Mattermost app for Mac. Can’t log in.

I run OS Big Sur 11.6
I get an error “Your session has expired. Please log in again” no matter how many times I try to log in.
I even reset the password…same issue.

First priority: being able to update the app so column data stays intact. Second priority: being able to log into the app.

You should be able to log in when you click on the “X” to dismiss the “Your session has expired…” message. We also have a ticket to look at fixing this.