Mobile notifications don't seem to be working with Team Edition


Mobile notifications don’t seem to be working with Team Edition.

Steps to reproduce

Mattermost Team Edition
Version: 3.3.0
Database: postgres

System Console > NOTIFICATIONS > Mobile Push

Set Enable Push Notifications to Use iOS and Android apps on iTunes and Google Play with TPNS

Set Push Notifications Server to

Set Push Notification Contents to Send generic description with user and channel names

Click Save

Expected behavior

Mobile push notifications expected, especially when desktop/browser is closed and mobile phone is locked

Observed behavior

No mobile push notifications are received.

After clicking Save in the Mobile Push settings in System Console, the settings seem to revert back to the default settings, i.e. Do not send push notifications

Hi @pmccarthy, I tried to reproduce this and wasn’t able to - does the setting visibly switch back to “Do not send push notifications” after you save?

If so, does changing the settings in the config.json file work?